
Citizens, Residents, Neighbors
are now needed on these committees
to provide “Wisdom, Work and Willingness”
to enhance the long term recovery process.
Please ask questions and jump right in to help
get our neighbors back to normal quickly!

Case Management – Case workers and Case managers are the heart of a long term recovery group such as the CDRC. These are the individuals that work with and empower disaster survivors to move toward getting back to normal faster. Case management encompasses:

  • Assessment of a survivors situation
  • Development of a recovery plan by the survivor with assistance of a case worker
  • Provision of services by a case worker’s agency and/or a common resource table in which several agencies are involved
  • Follow-up
  • Record Keeping
  • Training is provided, previous experience is not necessary.

Unmet Needs – The unmet needs committee takes a look at all the cases and seeks to put a priority number on each case. Depending on the case load, this task could be very minimal or could be very demanding. The committee will be doing a lot of reviewing of clients information and will determine the timeline who gets served as various resources become available.

Volunteer Management – The volunteer management committee will be responsible for obtaining and organizing all volunteers in the time of need. Developing job descriptions, matching volunteer skills with job needs, checking credentials, etc. are just a few of the things that this committee will perform.

Construction & Mitigation – The construction committee will handle the development and oversight of work sites, ensure availability of building materials and tools, etc. It will also work with the volunteer committee to make available accommodations and hospitality.

Spiritual & Emotional – The spiritual & emotional committee will not only serve the survivors of a disaster but will also be the CDRC’s shoulder to lean on when things seem to be overwhelming. Assess mental or spiritual needs of individuals and community. Support and assist survivors with specific, tangible problems such as location of family members or child care. Prepare & distribute information on common disaster reactions, coping mechanisms, self care, where to get help, etc. Advocate for appropriate delivery of services where mental health issues are identified.

Public Relations – The public relations committee is always looking for ideas to get the word out about our existence, fundraising opportunities, and events that relate to our cause. They will also be the voice of the CDRC during times of disasters.

Finance Resource – The finance resource committee will be responsible for all of the CDRC’s finance’s. Could possibly take on getting grants and help the public relations committee with fundraisers or funding. The CDRC Treasurer serves on this committee.