With thanks to Callahan and Rice Insurance Company
In the event that Hurricane Florence negatively affects the Fayetteville area and you are not able to reach your agent directly, here is a list of insurance company phone numbers. If you need to report a claim, please check your insurance records to determine what insurance company you need to contact and then contact the specific company to report a claim as necessary.
For other insurance companies not listed, please call Callahan and Rice during regular business hours Monday–Friday (9am-5pm) and dial extension 122. www.callahanrice.com
Callahan and Rice ~ P.O. Drawer 1789 • 129 Franklin Street • Fayetteville, NC 28302
P: 910-484-6171 • F: 910-484-9695
Registration opens the door to many additional forms of assistance and helps the government assess the extent of the damage and launch comprehensive recovery efforts.