Hurricane Florence Resources

Hurricane Florence Resources

FReadyNC App Imageor information about area conditions:

For Emotional Support – Before During or After the Storm:

  • Call 1-800-510-9132 Available 24/7 (Alliance Behavioral Health, a local office is reached)
  • For Spiritual Support call Balm In Gilead 910-424-2645 (business hours)

To located various resources (a comprehensive list)

Open Shelters & What to bring

  • See the Cumberland County Information including what to bring at
  • The Red Cross on Wednesday, September 12, has opened a shelter at the National Guard Armory, 3555 Owen Drive, Fayetteville.
  • Please bring supplies and medications for 72 hours (3 days) or more. Persons with medical needs need to come with a care giver.
  • Pets are permitted at the county shelters. Bring food and supplies for them too.

What do to IMMEDIATELY as a Hurricane Survivor:

  1. Photograph damage (proof of damage is vital!) Having or Taking before photos is excellent too.
  2. Keep receipts for any immediate work done, take more photos.
  3. Register with FEMA (Every one with any damage should register!) 800-621-3362
  4. Call 800-451-1954 or 844-965-1386 to register your damage and repair needs on – once listed then volunteer work teams can find your home to offer aid.
  5. Many fraudulent contractors (imposters and cheats) will appear on your doorstep – do not pay in full before work is done. Be cautious, do not pay cash, require identification, use licensed local contractors, get written a agreement. If in doubt, say no.
  6. Call 211 for resources and support. – Shelter, Temporary lodging, FEMA information, etc. or go to
  7. DO start the MUCK-OUT (clean-up) as soon as possible. Things get much worse if not removed quickly. There are many volunteers willing to help if you do #4 above.
  8. Notify your insurance company.
  9. Read you insurance policy.  FYI – your agent is required by law to provide you a printed copy if you have lost your copy.
  10. Use FEMA funds as directed because you can be audited and required to pay back money that is misused.
  11. KEEP ALL correspondence from FEMA and the SBA even rejection letters as there is an appeals process and many persons are initially rejected for minor reasons like a wrong SS number or incorrect address, etc.
  12. Take more photos!
  13. Do not touch flood waters. Wear masks & gloves when cleaning.

Legal Aid of North Carolina

Donations & Volunteers:

  • Clothing should go to Salvation Army, Operation Blessing or Balm in Bilead. Shelters cannot accept clothing. FYI – Clothing donations are not helpful in the first couple of weeks of recovery. Diapers, new socks, feminine hygiene supplies and new underwear of all sizes  are often needed.
  • Volunteers should be with a group such as UMCOR, Baptists on Mission, a local religious group, etc. Volunteer at your own risk and be cautious.
  • Work GROUPS/TEAMS can register at to locate areas of specific need. Groups must report what work they have completed.
  • Money can be donated to the Cumberland Community Foundation, CDRC-NC (that’s us), UMCOR, Red Cross, Church Denominations, etc.
  • Ways youth and children can help is to make emergency clean-up buckets or collect new socks and underwear or diapers. See
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